Life is hectic. Life is chaotic. Life is often tragic. Life is busy and complicated and dramatic.
But life can also be peaceful, beautiful, adventurous, simple, lovely, loving, and lighthearted.
Amidst all the chaos of life I feel drowned in, I'm taking this moment to remember a few small things that make me happy:
1. The man who makes me omelets at my college dinning hall, doesn't take my order anymore, I just say surprise me and he always makes me something delicious!
2. A bouquet of roses currently sits on my bookshelf, they were a gift from a friend who came to see my latest play.
3. My dorm room window faces where the sunrises, so I always wake up with the sun streaming through my blinds.
4. I've heard the first birds of spring chirping recently
5. Although they're far away, I know my family loves me.
6. Moments spent in prayer
These are only a few things that brighten each of my days. I know there are countless more.
What little things make your day?
Beautiful! You make my day.